Your IT. My business. My life.  

Ja Sie lesen richtig, Ihre IT ist mein Business und mein Leben, neben meiner Familie natürlich.


Warum das so ist?


Als Principal Consultant habe ich es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, Ihnen in Ihren vielen Fragen rund um Ihre IT-Infrastruktur zur Seite zu stehen und Sie zu unterstützen. Mein Focus liegt hierbei in den Themen Unified Communication (Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Lync / Skype for Business), Active Directory und Office 365.


Bei meinem derzeitigen Arbeitgeber, ein IT-Systemhaus, bin ich im Auftrag zahlreicher Kunden aus allen Sektoren (Banken, Health Care, Kommunen etc.) im gesamten Deutschsprachigen Raum unterwegs.


Sie brauchen Hilfe?


Dann schreiben Sie mir und ich schau was ich für Sie tun kann.


Viele Grüße

Alexander Wolfshohl



Neueste Blogeinträge

Intune und die Verwendung von ADMX GPO Einstellungen

Bis vor einer noch nicht so langer Zeit, gab es eine große Hürde bei der Einführung von Intune in Unternehmen, es war nämlich nicht möglich Gruppenrichtlinien (GPO´s) auf den Intune verwalteten Geräten zu verteilen. Dieses Defizit wurde nun von Microsoft behoben, mit den ADMX backed policies ist es nun möglich, diese Lücke zu füllen.


GPO in Intune sind nun möglich

Für viele Unternehmen stellte sich beim Einsatz von Intune – z.B. zur Gewährleistung von Compliance Anforderung – bisher die Hürde, dass keine Gruppenrichtlinien bzw. Registry-Einträge durch Intune möglich waren. Gerade wenn eine Mischumgebung aus hybrid-verwalteten Geräten und Geräten mit reinem Azure AD join zum Einsatz kamen.


In diesem Fall musste eine Doppelpflege vorgenommen werden, auf der einen Seite On-Premise in Form von GPO Einstellungen und auf der anderen Seite Einstellungen in Intune. Die Problematik dabei ist nur, das mit den GPO´s mehr Einstellungen möglich sind.



Mit den in Windows 10 integrierte Microsoft Configuration Service Providers (CSPs), welche nun im Systemkern vorhanden sind, womit die Anwendung von OMA-URI-Einstellungen (Open Mobile Alliance Uniform Resource Identifier), wie in den mobilen Plattformen Android und iOS, ermöglicht werden.


Dieses Verfahren hat einen großen Vorteil: Richtlinienanwendungen – bzw. eine Einstellung daraus – lässt sich nun zentral über die Intune-Console monitoren.


Microsoft Intune setzt hierbei zudem auf ein mehrstufiges Verfahren zur Richtlinien-Prüfung: Zum einen meldet der Client zurück, ob eine Richtlinie erfolgreich angewendet werden konnte. Über eine separate Konformitätsrichtlinie wird zudem geprüft, ob das Endgerät zu den Richtlinien kompatibel ist, die man zur Wahrung eines Sicherheitsstands im Unternehmen definiert hat. Ist das Gerät aus der Sicht der Security nicht kompatibel – etwa weil es nicht verschlüsselt ist oder ein Viren-Infekt nicht behoben werden konnte –, so wird es z.B. von den Office 365 Diensten ausgesperrt.


Eine Konfigurationsprüfung und die Konformität zu trennenstellt sich durchaus als sinnvoll dar: Es wäre falsch, einen Nutzer auszusperren, nur weil vielleicht das Hintergrundbild falsch gesetzt wurde.


Das Intune bietet zwar schon recht viele Einstellungen an, die auch über Schalter aktiviert werden können, aber über die ADMX backed policies werden diese Möglichkeiten nun deutlich erweitert.


Einstellungen in Microsoft Intune

Microsoft führt eine umfangreiche Dokumentation bereits importierter CSP-Einstellungen. Für diese CSP-Settings ist beschrieben in welcher Windows Version sie zur Verfügung stehen, in welcher ADMX-Datei sie zu finden sind und wie die ID der einzelnen Optionen lauten. 

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Erstellen und Bereitstellen von PFX-Zertifikatsprofilen in Microsoft Intune

In vielen Kundensituationen kommt es immer wieder vor, das Kunden Zertifikate an mobile Geräte senden möchten, um mit Ressourcenzugriffsprofilen (WLAN, S / MIME etc.) zu arbeiten und den Zugriff über ein Zertifikat aus der internen CA abzusichern. Aus der Sicht der Sicherheit aber nicht den NDES (Network Device Enrollment Server), der ja über das SCEP Protokoll arbeitet, über eine URL im Internet publizieren möchten.


Microsoft Intune verfügt hierfür über eine weniger bekannte PKCS # 12 (PFX) -basierte Zertifikatsbereitstellung, die in diesem Szenario verwendet werden kann


In den vorherigen Versionen musste ein Administrator eine PFX-Datei bereitstellen, die dann auf dem Gerät eingebunden werden musste. Dies hat sich nun in Intune geändert, die PFX Datei muss nun nicht mehr bereitgestellt werden. Mit der  Hilfe des Intune Certificate Connector, können nun Geräte ein Zertifikat aus der lokalen Zertifizierungsstelle automatisiert erhalten. Hierfür wird der NDES Service nicht mehr benötigt.

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Product Key per Powershell auslesen

Die Frage die immer wieder gestellt wurde, ist es möglich per Powershell den Product Key von Microsoft Windows Betriebssystemen auszulesen?


Ja es ist möglich. Hier nachfolgend ein kleines Powershell Script, womit der Product Key ausgelesen werden kann (Nutzung auf eigene Gefahr).



$value = (get-itemproperty "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").digitalproductid[0x34..0x42]

$ProductKey = ""

for ($i = 24; $i -ge 0; $i--) {

 $r = 0

 for ($j = 14; $j -ge 0; $j--) {

  $r = ($r * 256) -bxor $value[$j]

  $value[$j] = [math]::Floor([double]($r/24))

  $r = $r % 24


 $ProductKey = $map[$r] + $ProductKey

 if (($i % 5) -eq 0 -and $i -ne 0) {

  $ProductKey = "-" + $ProductKey



echo "Product Key:" $ProductKey



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Ein kleiner Überblick über das Microsoft Rechenzentrum.

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Whitespace in einer Microsoft Exchange Datenbank entfernen

Wenn Daten zu einer Exchange-Datenbank hinzufügt werden, erhöht sich damit zwangsläufig die Größe der Microsoft Exchange Datenbank. Wenn jedoch Postfächer gelöscht werden, nimmt die Größe der Microsoft Exchange-Datenbank nicht unbedingt ab - sie bleibt gleich.

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ZERO DAY Vulnerability – Exchange Servers (Mi, 03 Mär 2021)
If youre running Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016 or 2019, upgrade your servers to the latest rollup update and PATCH NOW !!!!! What is the purpose of this notification?   This notification provides guidance for customers regarding new security updates released by Microsoft to resolve privately reported security vulnerabilities that affect Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, and Exchange […]
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Best Exchange Recovery Software- Stellar Repair for Exchange (Tue, 19 Jan 2021)
I have been in many situations where I would need to recover or extract some data from an old Exchange Server database file which was restored from a decommissioned Exchange Server. Some of these occasions where to retrieve an old mailbox which was not migrated, or in case of a disaster and where the Exchange […]
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Microsoft Teams Blog

Prompt Like a Pro: 8 Tips and tricks for working with Copilot in Teams (Thu, 18 Jul 2024)
As a reminder, to have access to these features you need a Copilot for Microsoft 365 license!   How to prompt like a pro Writing great prompts is the key to having better interactions with Microsoft Copilot in Teams. Just like talking to a co-worker, clear communication and certain techniques can help you get better results from some prompts than others. In this edition, we highlight how to prompt like a pro for Copilot in Teams – first by summarizing how and where Copilot can assist you in Teams, then by guiding you through 8 tips to elevate your prompting skills and how you interact with Copilot.   Utilize the following tips and tricks to build your Copilot foundation and start prompting like a pro!   Copilot for Microsoft 365 in Teams Open Copilot for Microsoft 365 in Teams by navigating over to the chat app in Teams and clicking on the Copilot icon. Here, Copilot will use data grounded in the Microsoft Graph that searches across your Microsoft 365 apps to better personalize its answers. You can draft content, catch up on what you missed, and get answers to questions supported by data from PowerPoint and Word files, Outlook emails, and more - all securely grounded in - and powered by - your work data.   Tip #1: Include more specifics and details in your prompts. This can look like clarifying how Copilot can meet your needs or referencing files, meetings, or contacts that Copilot can leverage to provide a richer output. For example, instead of asking Copilot a simple prompt like "summarize the Fundraiser meeting," ask it to "Recap the Fundraiser meeting and suggest an agenda for a follow-up meeting based on any outstanding items. Include a table that shows action items and who is responsible for each item." The more detailed the prompt, the better Copilot’s outcome will be!   Copilot in the compose box Copilot also assists you in crafting more polished and effective messages, straight from the text compose box in your chats and channels. It goes beyond spell-checking and grammar correction; Copilot will suggest improvements, rewrites, and adjustments to enhance the clarity, tone, and impact of your messages. Whether you’re quickly responding to your coworker or sharing a detailed project update with a manager, Copilot has your back. You can navigate to the message compose box anywhere you can write text in Teams and start crafting your message. After you have a suitable rough draft, click on the Copilot icon in your chat box, press “Rewrite,” and watch your message instantly transform!   Tip #2: The “Adjust” option allows you to adapt a message to whatever audience you are talking to, from a co-worker to a friend, your larger team, or even your manager. Simply choose from the range of options in the “Adjust” menu and change the length (concise or longer) or the tone (casual, professional, confident, or enthusiastic) of your message.   Tip #3: Use the "custom tone" option to finetune your message's tone, include additional context, translate a message, and make your writing more inclusive or persuasive! For example, you can prompt that you want Copilot to make your message “longer, cheerful, and convincing” and Copilot can apply those changes instantly in the compose box - without you needing to leave your flow of work.   Copilot in chats and channels If you’re checking the latest messages in a group chat or seeing what the newest updates are in your project’s channel, Copilot is there to transform the way you work. From an open chat or channel select the Copilot icon to expand a dedicated Copilot window to pull information from the specific chat or channel you are in. Did you just get back from a week off work and want to know what you missed? Or if your name was mentioned and why? Copilot quickly analyzes past messages, files sent, and other relevant information to provide answers to whatever you need help knowing about your chats and channels.   Tip #4: Catch up on information faster by asking Copilot for key takeaways from a chat or specific information you missed. You can even reference a chat participant in your prompt - like asking "What files has Erin shared?"   Tip #5: Copilot can help you with personal tasks and action items you might have missed. Instead of asking “What were the follow-up items,” make it personal! Ask "Do I have any follow-up items?" or "What is my highest priority task?"   Tip #6: Copilot in chats and channels will give better responses with more specific directions. Try sending it this prompt detailing how you want to receive information: "Create a table with everyone's action items. Include the action item, person's name, and due date."   Copilot in Teams meetings Copilot in Teams meetings helps you catch up, brainstorm, and get to decisions faster. Simply join your meeting\ and click on the Copilot icon to begin using Copilot. Copilot will need transcription to run (unless it’s set to “Only during the meeting” by the organizer). Clicking on Copilot will prompt you to start the transcript if it hasn’t started already.   Copilot can help you catch up on anything you’ve missed in the meeting so far, suggest questions to ask the other meeting participants, and more. It can even organize the ideas shared during the meeting in an easy-to-read table that you can share after the meeting. Copilot expands on the built-in summaries provided by intelligent meeting recap by enabling you to ask any question about the meeting, helping you get deeper insights into the topics you’re interested in. For the best experience, ensure that recording or transcription are turned on for your meeting. To use Copilot in Teams meetings without retaining a transcript of the meeting discussion, meeting organizers can set Copilot access to ‘Only during the meeting’ from the meeting options. When selected, users will only be able to interact with Copilot during the meeting, and they won’t be able to access Copilot, their previous interactions with Copilot, or intelligent meeting recap after the meeting ends.  Learn more here.   Tip #7: Go beyond meeting summarization by using Copilot to help drive alignment and improve meeting outcomes. During a meeting, use prompts such as “What questions are unresolved?” and “Suggest follow up questions” to help improve meeting efficiency and productivity.   Tip #8: Ask Copilot to format and categorize the discussion points to help you stay organized with next steps. After the meeting, use prompts such as “List different perspectives by topic” or “List the pros and cons of the [INSERT TOPIC] decision in a table format” to visualize the discussion points in new ways that help you stay on track.   Extra prompting guidance A lot goes into the foundation of a good prompt. For example, including a detailed persona - as laid out in this template - can help anchor Copilot into a specific mindset and expertise that you're looking to deliver in your prompts. sample.png   Additionally, see this sample prompt used to gather insights for team brainstorming sessions with leadership. Not all prompts need to be this long but pay attention to the detailed persona and context added to the prompt which helps drive easily referenceable output in a table format. prompt.png   Finally, make sure to iterate and regenerate. Often, your first result isn’t the final or best response. If you’re not satisfied with the results Copilot gave you, revise your prompt, follow the best practices laid out in this blog, and try again. Working with Copilot is all about building your conversation, and figuring out what communication style works best for your scenario is key to prompting even better with Copilot in Teams.   Additional resources If you want to learn more about how to take your prompting skills up a notch and achieve better business outcomes with Copilot, we highly encourage you to read the article Five tips for prompting AI, which dives into the structure of a prompt for better communication.  And for more examples of prompts that Copilot can help you with, check out Copilot Lab! Filter by specific Microsoft 365 apps to learn what kinds of prompts to use for a variety of different work scenarios and get tips for better optimized prompts with Copilot!   What’s coming next If you’re already using Copilot in Teams, share your favorite Copilot in Teams tips and tricks in the comments for the chance to get featured in a future “Prompt Like a Pro” blog! And be sure to follow the Teams MTC site so you never miss upcoming blogs. Happy prompting!   *To reference a specific person, file, or meeting with Copilot for Microsoft 365 in Teams, simply add a “/” to your prompt. Copilot in Teams is constantly evolving and improving thanks to your input and feedback. If a Copilot prompt does not work the way you expect it to, let us know how by using the thumbs-down button that appears after a response.
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Get the most out of any Teams Rooms meeting with speaker recognition and Copilot (Wed, 24 Jul 2024)
AI-powered speaker recognition technology has now expanded to all Teams Rooms on Windows devices, regardless of the microphone type. This was previously only available with intelligent speaker equipment in the room. Now any Teams Room on Windows can enhance meeting experiences with precise speaker attribution and intelligent insights from Copilot. Everyone can be recognized and get the most from Copilot with our cloud technology, Teams Rooms devices such as Surface Hub 3, and other devices certified  from partners.   Microsoft’s intelligent speaker recognition analyzes the distinct vocal characteristics of each speaker, such as pitch, tone, and speaking style. We think of it as a voiceprint for each participant, akin to a fingerprint for their voice.   There are several benefits to enrolling your voice to enable speaker recognition. Background noise is suppressed so that calls and meetings are easier to hear with noise suppression using voice isolation. Intelligent recap and Copilot are enabled because speakers in meetings are identified and whatever they say is attributed to them in the transcript. Speakers in Teams Rooms who have enrolled their voices will be identified in meeting transcripts and Copilot in TeamsSpeakers in Teams Rooms who have enrolled their voices will be identified in meeting transcripts and Copilot in Teams   In a hybrid meeting without speaker recognition, the video and audio feeds of participants in the room are assigned to the location (e.g., Conf room 1245) rather than each speaker. This makes it difficult to identify individuals’ contributions, summarize everyone’s perspectives, or address action items. Results without speaker recognition: audio will be attributed to the room unless individuals have enrolled their voices. In this case, you can see that all speakers in the room are grouped under “Conf room 1245”.Results without speaker recognition: audio will be attributed to the room unless individuals have enrolled their voices. In this case, you can see that all speakers in the room are grouped under “Conf room 1245”. Results without speaker recognition: audio will be attributed to the room in AI notes.Results without speaker recognition: audio will be attributed to the room in AI notes.   With speaker recognition, Teams Rooms can identify speakers during live transcription in shared meeting rooms, ensuring clear and precise voice capture for every participant. This allows you to effortlessly track who said what during the meeting through the meeting transcript and to enable intelligent meeting recap and Copilot. Results with speaker recognition: Individuals in the conference room, are each attributed in AI notesResults with speaker recognition: Individuals in the conference room, are each attributed in AI notes Results with speaker recognition: Mona and Danielle, individuals in the conference room, are each attributed in AI Notes.Results with speaker recognition: Mona and Danielle, individuals in the conference room, are each attributed in AI Notes.   Getting started is easy for IT and individual users Identifying each speaker is a crucial input for Copilot in Teams. It utilizes the meeting transcript so it can deliver summaries, insights, and action items. End users can easily create a voice profile in the Teams desktop. Go to to quickly set it up. Voice Enrollment steps 1.gif   For organizations, an IT admin needs to enable voice enrollment using Teams meeting policy and PowerShell scripts. For admins to enable an organization’s users and Teams Rooms, there are three easy steps: Connect to Teams PowerShell connect-MicrosoftTeams Enable speaker recognition for the Teams meeting policy that is assigned to your Rooms Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity MTRRoomsUS -roomAttributeUserOverride Attribute -AllowTranscription $true Enable enrollment for the Teams meeting policy that is assigned to your users Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity USUsers -EnrollUserOverride Enabled -AllowTranscription $true   Note: Please replace “-Identity MTRRoomsUS and USUsers” with the correct policy names for which you want to enable this feature. Alternatively, you can use the Global policy.   Get the information and enrollment scripts you need to enable voice profiles, speaker recognition, and the intelligence of Copilot in your organization at Overview of voice and face enrollment - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn.   Even if you are still waiting for approval to use voice and face enrollment, you can turn it on now for the Teams Rooms you have. This will immediately distinguish individuals from the room and help users get the most out of intelligent recaps and Copilot.   Biometric profile security you can count on We know security and privacy is of the utmost importance for organizations. Microsoft takes our commitment to ensure data security, including biometric profiles, very seriously.   The voice and face data for users is encrypted at rest and in transit and is protected by Microsoft's security and privacy policies and practices. The voice and face data for users is stored in the same region as their Microsoft Teams data and storage is GDPR compliant. Users can unenroll their voice or face profile at any time. Profiles are automatically deleted when a Teams account is deleted or if not used for one year. Learn more about data handling and retention practices here.   Get started today We are excited to make this cloud-powered feature available now for all existing microphones first on Teams Rooms on Windows. Later this year, this feature will extended to Teams Rooms on Android and the Teams desktop for bring your own device (BYOD) meeting spaces.   While we're delighted to extend the capability of speaker recognition to more rooms, it's important to note that the quality may not match that of an intelligent speaker device. Intelligent speakers are designed with multiple microphones to provide high-quality audio, maximizing accuracy in recognition and transcription and boasting an industry-leading reduction of word error rate. In rooms where top-quality transcription and attribution are imperative, it’s worth it to assess the benefits of integrating intelligent speaker hardware certified for Teams. Find devices certified for Teams at   Use these resources to enable voice profiles, speaker recognition, and Copilot for your organization’s meetings now: Overview of voice and face enrollment - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn Manage voice recognition technology controls for an Intelligent Speaker How users create a digital voice profile in Teams
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