Your IT. My business. My life.  

Ja Sie lesen richtig, Ihre IT ist mein Business und mein Leben, neben meiner Familie natürlich.


Warum das so ist?


Als Principal Consultant habe ich es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, Ihnen in Ihren vielen Fragen rund um Ihre IT-Infrastruktur zur Seite zu stehen und Sie zu unterstützen. Mein Focus liegt hierbei in den Themen Unified Communication (Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Lync / Skype for Business), Active Directory und Office 365.


Bei meinem derzeitigen Arbeitgeber, ein IT-Systemhaus, bin ich im Auftrag zahlreicher Kunden aus allen Sektoren (Banken, Health Care, Kommunen etc.) im gesamten Deutschsprachigen Raum unterwegs.


Sie brauchen Hilfe?


Dann schreiben Sie mir und ich schau was ich für Sie tun kann.


Viele Grüße

Alexander Wolfshohl



Neueste Blogeinträge

Intune und die Verwendung von ADMX GPO Einstellungen

Bis vor einer noch nicht so langer Zeit, gab es eine große Hürde bei der Einführung von Intune in Unternehmen, es war nämlich nicht möglich Gruppenrichtlinien (GPO´s) auf den Intune verwalteten Geräten zu verteilen. Dieses Defizit wurde nun von Microsoft behoben, mit den ADMX backed policies ist es nun möglich, diese Lücke zu füllen.


GPO in Intune sind nun möglich

Für viele Unternehmen stellte sich beim Einsatz von Intune – z.B. zur Gewährleistung von Compliance Anforderung – bisher die Hürde, dass keine Gruppenrichtlinien bzw. Registry-Einträge durch Intune möglich waren. Gerade wenn eine Mischumgebung aus hybrid-verwalteten Geräten und Geräten mit reinem Azure AD join zum Einsatz kamen.


In diesem Fall musste eine Doppelpflege vorgenommen werden, auf der einen Seite On-Premise in Form von GPO Einstellungen und auf der anderen Seite Einstellungen in Intune. Die Problematik dabei ist nur, das mit den GPO´s mehr Einstellungen möglich sind.



Mit den in Windows 10 integrierte Microsoft Configuration Service Providers (CSPs), welche nun im Systemkern vorhanden sind, womit die Anwendung von OMA-URI-Einstellungen (Open Mobile Alliance Uniform Resource Identifier), wie in den mobilen Plattformen Android und iOS, ermöglicht werden.


Dieses Verfahren hat einen großen Vorteil: Richtlinienanwendungen – bzw. eine Einstellung daraus – lässt sich nun zentral über die Intune-Console monitoren.


Microsoft Intune setzt hierbei zudem auf ein mehrstufiges Verfahren zur Richtlinien-Prüfung: Zum einen meldet der Client zurück, ob eine Richtlinie erfolgreich angewendet werden konnte. Über eine separate Konformitätsrichtlinie wird zudem geprüft, ob das Endgerät zu den Richtlinien kompatibel ist, die man zur Wahrung eines Sicherheitsstands im Unternehmen definiert hat. Ist das Gerät aus der Sicht der Security nicht kompatibel – etwa weil es nicht verschlüsselt ist oder ein Viren-Infekt nicht behoben werden konnte –, so wird es z.B. von den Office 365 Diensten ausgesperrt.


Eine Konfigurationsprüfung und die Konformität zu trennenstellt sich durchaus als sinnvoll dar: Es wäre falsch, einen Nutzer auszusperren, nur weil vielleicht das Hintergrundbild falsch gesetzt wurde.


Das Intune bietet zwar schon recht viele Einstellungen an, die auch über Schalter aktiviert werden können, aber über die ADMX backed policies werden diese Möglichkeiten nun deutlich erweitert.


Einstellungen in Microsoft Intune

Microsoft führt eine umfangreiche Dokumentation bereits importierter CSP-Einstellungen. Für diese CSP-Settings ist beschrieben in welcher Windows Version sie zur Verfügung stehen, in welcher ADMX-Datei sie zu finden sind und wie die ID der einzelnen Optionen lauten. 

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Erstellen und Bereitstellen von PFX-Zertifikatsprofilen in Microsoft Intune

In vielen Kundensituationen kommt es immer wieder vor, das Kunden Zertifikate an mobile Geräte senden möchten, um mit Ressourcenzugriffsprofilen (WLAN, S / MIME etc.) zu arbeiten und den Zugriff über ein Zertifikat aus der internen CA abzusichern. Aus der Sicht der Sicherheit aber nicht den NDES (Network Device Enrollment Server), der ja über das SCEP Protokoll arbeitet, über eine URL im Internet publizieren möchten.


Microsoft Intune verfügt hierfür über eine weniger bekannte PKCS # 12 (PFX) -basierte Zertifikatsbereitstellung, die in diesem Szenario verwendet werden kann


In den vorherigen Versionen musste ein Administrator eine PFX-Datei bereitstellen, die dann auf dem Gerät eingebunden werden musste. Dies hat sich nun in Intune geändert, die PFX Datei muss nun nicht mehr bereitgestellt werden. Mit der  Hilfe des Intune Certificate Connector, können nun Geräte ein Zertifikat aus der lokalen Zertifizierungsstelle automatisiert erhalten. Hierfür wird der NDES Service nicht mehr benötigt.

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Product Key per Powershell auslesen

Die Frage die immer wieder gestellt wurde, ist es möglich per Powershell den Product Key von Microsoft Windows Betriebssystemen auszulesen?


Ja es ist möglich. Hier nachfolgend ein kleines Powershell Script, womit der Product Key ausgelesen werden kann (Nutzung auf eigene Gefahr).



$value = (get-itemproperty "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").digitalproductid[0x34..0x42]

$ProductKey = ""

for ($i = 24; $i -ge 0; $i--) {

 $r = 0

 for ($j = 14; $j -ge 0; $j--) {

  $r = ($r * 256) -bxor $value[$j]

  $value[$j] = [math]::Floor([double]($r/24))

  $r = $r % 24


 $ProductKey = $map[$r] + $ProductKey

 if (($i % 5) -eq 0 -and $i -ne 0) {

  $ProductKey = "-" + $ProductKey



echo "Product Key:" $ProductKey



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Microsoft Global Datacenters and Network Infrastructure

Ein kleiner Überblick über das Microsoft Rechenzentrum.

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Whitespace in einer Microsoft Exchange Datenbank entfernen

Wenn Daten zu einer Exchange-Datenbank hinzufügt werden, erhöht sich damit zwangsläufig die Größe der Microsoft Exchange Datenbank. Wenn jedoch Postfächer gelöscht werden, nimmt die Größe der Microsoft Exchange-Datenbank nicht unbedingt ab - sie bleibt gleich.

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News rund um Exchange und Allgemeine IT Themen

Exchange Server tips, tutorials and expert advice

ZERO DAY Vulnerability – Exchange Servers (Mi, 03 Mär 2021)
If youre running Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016 or 2019, upgrade your servers to the latest rollup update and PATCH NOW !!!!! What is the purpose of this notification?   This notification provides guidance for customers regarding new security updates released by Microsoft to resolve privately reported security vulnerabilities that affect Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, and Exchange […]
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Best Exchange Recovery Software- Stellar Repair for Exchange (Tue, 19 Jan 2021)
I have been in many situations where I would need to recover or extract some data from an old Exchange Server database file which was restored from a decommissioned Exchange Server. Some of these occasions where to retrieve an old mailbox which was not migrated, or in case of a disaster and where the Exchange […]
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Microsoft Teams Blog

What’s New in Microsoft Teams | August 2024 (Fri, 30 Aug 2024)
August is here, and so are some new features and enhancements that make Microsoft Teams even more powerful and easier to use!   In July, we shared ways you can customize how you express yourself in chat, new options for personalizing your gallery views, and more. There were some great new features to explore, and we have plenty more to share this month.   Two that are sure to create waves are using Copilot to search your chat history using time-based phrases (e.g., “last month”), and Channel cards that show a snapshot of key information about the channel. Read on to find out more about those features and see what else we’re unveiling in these categories:   Chat and Collaboration Meetings, Mesh in Teams, Webinars, and Town Halls Teams Rooms and Devices Teams Phone     Chat and Collaboration Time-based prompts in Copilot in chat There's no need to manually scroll and search through extensive chat histories. Now when you activate Copilot in your chat, you can use time-based phrases like "yesterday," "last month," "6 months ago," or " December 2023" in your prompts. Copilot will efficiently locate and provide insights on information from the time period you specify. Learn more. Teams Time based prompt1.png   Request to join a shared channel via channel link It is now easier for users to access relevant shared channels and for channel owners to manage memberships. Users that share the same tenant can request to join a shared channel by using the channel's share link. Channel owners will receive the join request and can easily approve or deny requests. While fostering efficient collaboration in organizations, this feature also helps to reduce administrative tasks for channel owners. Pete_Daderko_0-1724940028147.png   Channel cards Now you can get a quick overview of a channel using its channel card. Hover over the channel name in the header, or wherever the channel is mentioned, to see important information, such as the channel description, last activity time, team name, and membership information, helping you quickly understand the context and purpose of the channel. The card also provides easy access to notification settings, owner channel management, and the channel roster. Channel Cards.png   Apps now supported in group chats with external users You can now access applications in group chats with individuals outside your organization, allowing for improved collaboration and productivity. Group chat participants from the tenant hosting the chat can install, remove, or update applications for use by all members. All participants can use apps shared by people in other organizations in group chats hosted by those organizations. The installation of apps within these chats will adhere to the app policies of the organization that creates the chat. Learn more about external collaboration access.   Show/hide discover feed Discover feed delivers a personalized, relevance-based feed of Teams channel content to make it easier for you to stay informed and engaged with the content that matters to you most. You can now show or hide the discover feed by going to settings > general and setting the toggle to on or off. Learn more. Pete_Daderko_2-1724940028217.png     Meetings, Mesh in Teams, Webinars, and Town Halls Intelligent meeting recap with AI-generated notes and tasks for GCC environment AI-generated notes and tasks within intelligent meeting recap are now available in the Government Community Cloud (GCC) environment. Intelligent meeting recap streamlines post-meeting processes by providing a comprehensive recap of meeting events, identifying follow-up tasks, summarizing key points, and granting quick access to essential meeting details. This update adds to the features already available to GCC customers within intelligent recap, which include personalized timeline markers, speaker timeline markers, chapters, and topics. A Teams Premium GCC license or a Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 GCC license is required.   Intelligent meeting recap for unscheduled townhalls for Android devices Intelligent meeting recap enables unscheduled town hall participants using Android devices to browse meeting recordings by speaker name and topic title. Intelligent recap is an AI-powered feature from Microsoft Teams that will help users catch up on missed meetings with AI-generated notes, follow-up tasks, name mentions, topics, chapters, speaker identification, and more. Teams Premium users can find it on the new 'Recap' tab in the Teams calendar event detail and in chat.    Town hall reactions Town hall participants can now send and see reactions (for example “like”, “love”, “applause”, “laugh”, or “surprised”) to express themselves in real-time during a town hall.  Attendees can select the reaction they wish to temporarily display to the presenters and other attendees via the actions ribbon at the top of the town hall window. Reactions appear as a continuous stream on the side of the screen, giving real-time representation of participant sentiment. Reactions allow organizers and presenters to gauge how the audience is reacting to content. Reactions are available in town hall instances created by a user with a Teams Premium license. Pete_Daderko_3-1724940028264.png   Teams webinar creation and registration APIs Customers and developers can now use new APIs to create, update, and delete webinars. They can also register attendees to existing webinars. Webinar Creation and Registration APIs is included in all Teams licenses.   Town hall Graph APIs Graph APIs in town halls allow organizers to create, update, publish, and delete town hall events. Organizers can also get and list Town Hall Sessions, get, list, and create presenters, and create or update presenter profile photos. Graph APIs are included in all Teams licenses.   Town hall export Q&A questions After an event, organizers can now export attendee questions as a .CSV file. This can help organizers understand the types of questions asked, document and catalog those that have been answered, and get a better understanding of the general sentiment of a town hall. The data can also be shared on a SharePoint site or through email with attendees.  Export Q&A questions is included in all Teams licenses.   Cross-Room reaction visualizations for hosts Mesh event hosts can now see attendees’ raised hands and reactions across all rooms in multi-room events. Multi-room events occur when a Mesh event exceeds 16 attendees, helping to scale these inclusive events to larger audiences. This feature allows hosts to determine the sentiment in events and bridge the experience gap by giving them the ability to see reactions coming from across multiple different rooms in a single event, helping presenters to easily gauge participant feedback from all attendees in larger-scale events. The cross-room reaction visualization for hosts is available in Teams Premium. Pete_Daderko_5-1724940028392.png     Teams Rooms and Devices Find certified for Teams devices for all types of spaces and uses at   Join Zoom meetings with an ID and passcode from a Teams room on AndroidIf your organization has enabled Direct Guest Join meetings for Teams Rooms on Android, you can now join Zoom meetings with an ID and a passcode. To be configured, this feature requires a Teams Rooms Pro license. Learn how to enable Teams Rooms devices to join third-party meetings - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn. Pete_Daderko_6-1724940028428.png   Custom background for Teams Rooms on Android using Teams admin center This new feature for Teams Rooms on Android enables IT admins to upload custom background images from the Teams admin center. Custom backgrounds can showcase your brand identity or provide support information in your Teams meeting rooms. The main room display, extended room display, and touch console can each have its own custom background image. PNG, JPG, and JPEG, formats are supported. This feature is available with the Teams Rooms Pro license. Pete_Daderko_7-1724940028439.png   Text and UI resizing for Teams Rooms on Windows With text and UI resizing for Teams Rooms, IT admins can now adjust the size of the text and all other UI elements on the front-of-room display by changing the display scaling settings. Text and UI elements are resized and adjusted for all supported display resolution and scaling combinations, including 1080p resolution at 100-150% scaling, and 4K resolution at 100-300% scaling. This capability is extended to support touch boards. Yealink CM20 Ceiling Audio System The Yealink CM20 Ceiling Audio System is a comprehensive package designed as the core audio setup for large conference rooms. It is equipped with CM20 ceiling microphones, CS10 ceiling speakers, Yealink AVHub and a RCH40 E2 switch. One AI-Powered Ceiling Audio package handles standard large rooms, while two can cover extra-large spaces. Each package runs independently, ensuring secure and stable audio. Learn more Pete_Daderko_8-1724940028459.png   Logitech Rally Bar + Mic Pods for Teams Rooms on Windows (with Lenovo Core) Transform any mid-sized room to a Microsoft Teams Room meeting place with this newly certified for Teams, all-inclusive room solution from Logitech, featuring Rally Bar, Logitech Tap, 4 Rally Mic Pods, and Lenovo Core mini PC. Rally Bar's motorized PTZ camera, room-filling speakers, and a sensitive microphone array deliver a premium user experience that’s easy to install and manage. In addition, the Rally Mic Pods expand your audio coverage with beamforming microphones. Premium materials, thoughtful cable management, and a sleek 10.1” touch controller integrate beautifully into the modern workplace. Learn more Logitech Rally Bar.png   Yealink Teams Phone MP E2 series The Yealink Teams Phone MP E2 series is equipped with support for the Microsoft Device Ecosystem Platform (MDEP) and Android 13. Designed for common areas, front desks, and offices, the Yealink Teams Phone MP E2 Series provides seamless collaboration. Learn more. Pete_Daderko_10-1724940028474.jpeg     Teams Phone Callback for call queues Eligible callers waiting in a call queue can now receive a callback to their phone number when an agent becomes available. Callers become eligible for a callback based on conditions configured by admins such as exceeding a certain wait time, the number of calls in the queue, or the calls-to-agent ratio. Eligible callers will be given the option to request a callback after the music on hold finishes playing, and admins can customize the messaging, key press, and notification email for failed callbacks. Learn more about how to configure callback for call queues here.
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Microsoft Teams in-depth: Learning content on demand (Tue, 27 Aug 2024)
Make collaboration easier and smarter. Stay focused, work together, and achieve more with one platform for all your communication needs. That’s what Microsoft Teams is all about. We’re all about clarity and familiarity with the product, how it works, and how our team goes about continuously shaping it into THE smart place to work. And we want you to stay informed along the way.   This article contains ten in-depth videos about Teams – now on demand and embedded below. You’ll discover Teams core improvements, capabilities and upcoming features, insights into AI/Copilot + Teams, Microsoft Mesh scenarios, Teams Rooms tips and tricks, extensibility updates, and more.   All content is as it was presented during the Microsoft 365 Community Conference, presented by top product makers from Microsoft.   Note: Beyond the Teams content below, you can view all recorded sessions on demand now within the full Microsoft 365 Community Conference playlist on the Microsoft Community Learning channel on YouTube. You'll find keynotes, general sessions, and numerous breakout sessions in their entirety. Additionally, this subset playlist has all ten of the Teams sessions.   An overview of Teams in the era of AI “The future of work with Microsoft Teams” presented by Sumi Singh, Corporate Vice President of Teams Engineering, and Derek Snyder, Senior Director of Microsoft 365 Marketing. Hear about the latest innovations and roadmap for Microsoft Teams. You will also discover how we are investing in cutting-edge AI features that enhance teamwork, see demos showcasing how your whole organization can work smarter, and learn how Teams is expanding to support customer-facing roles with new solutions. Watch below:   Get to know how AI and premium features improve the way you work "Harnessing Copilot and AI for Teams meeting effectiveness" presented by Shiraz Cupala, Partner Group Product Manager. Discover innovative ways Microsoft uses the power of AI to make your meetings more engaging and effective. You’ll learn about the use of Copilot in Teams meetings to summarize key discussion points—including who said what and where people are aligned or disagree—and suggest action items, all in real time during a meeting. This session helps you understand productivity with Copilot in Teams meetings to have more effective meetings or catch up on ones you missed.  Watch below:   "Teams Premium Unveiled: Optimizing AI, Productivity, and Security" presented by Margi Desai, Product Manager II, and Mansoor Malik, Principal Group Product Manager. Unlock the potential of Teams Premium and learn how it can boost your organization's productivity through intelligent, secure, and personalized meeting experiences. This session includes live demos, a fireside chat with our customer, Nestlé – sharing insights from their Teams Premium pilot experience – plus Q&A. The session helps you understand licensing nuances, navigating deployment, and gaining clarity on distinctions between AI in Copilot and Teams Premium. Watch below:   Learn more about the core of new Teams and distinct solutions "New Teams Productivity presented by Ease and Speed" presented by Kay Davis, Principal Design Manager, Chandra Chivukula, Partner Director of Engineering, and Aarthi Natarajan, Corporate Vice President of Engineering. In this session you’ll learn all about new Teams, including the new simpler UI and greatly improved performance. You'll go behind the scenes to look at how the new Teams makes it's easier than ever to supercharge collaboration and productivity. Watch below:   "Microsoft Teams: Small Business’s Big Partner in Success" presented by Abhijat Kanade, Principal Group Product Manager, and Arun Das, Principal PM Manager. Discover how Teams can revolutionize the way small businesses collaborate, communicate, and grow. Learn about features tailored specifically for small businesses, and how Teams can streamline operations, foster innovation, and drive business success. Watch below:   "Modernizing Customer Care presented by new Queues app in Teams" presented by Sean Gilmour, Principal PM Manager, and Aamer Kaleem, Principal PM Manager. Explore how the new Queues app in Teams can modernize your customer care operations. The demand for Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) has rapidly increased. Businesses in almost every industry have invested in modernizing their customer care and service operations by adopting cloud-based solutions. Discover the strategy for Teams Phone and what is on the horizon with enhanced native Teams capabilities and Contact Center integrations for first- and third-party solutions. Watch below:   Microsoft Mesh | Connect your workforce with avatars and immersive 3D spaces "Deploying, Scaling, and Managing Microsoft Mesh in Teams for your Enterprise" presented by John Campbell and Brandon Bray. Learn how to enable immersive 3D experiences for your Enterprise. We'll cover how Mesh makes it easy for IT admins to introduce the magic of 3D to their organizations, including examples of existing rollouts, managing VR devices like Meta Quest headsets, and we'll wrap with an overview of our Mesh Toolkit and best practices around creating custom 3D experiences that are tailored for your company. Watch below:   "How all Teams users can connect better presented by Avatars and Immersive Spaces in Teams" presented by Mansoor Jafry, Principal Group Product Manager. Feeling video fatigue? Hear how to use Avatars in Teams meetings. Avatars for Microsoft Teams adds a new layer of choice to your meetings. By customizing your avatars the way you want to look, you can be yourself and let people get to know you in a conversation, even with your video turned off. Learn how to leverage the Lakehouse - a social and team bonding 3D experience with immersive spaces in Teams. Watch below:   Extend Microsoft Teams "Building Collaborative apps in Teams to Bring People Together" presented by Loki Meyburg, Principal PM Manager. In this session, you will gain insight into developing compelling, high value collaborative apps for Teams. Teams enables you to collaborate around apps by sharing, discovering, notifying, and collaborating on app content in various contexts. You'll learn tips and tricks for leveraging our extensibility tooling and how to build and design experiences that foster collaboration. Discover tools and resources for developers, such as Figma UI Kit, Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, and Developer Portal. Be aware of what’s coming next, such as app rating and review, adaptive card styling, permissions and consent, and instant app tabs. Watch below:   Get to know Microsoft Teams Rooms "Reimagining back to work presented by hotdesking and BYOD rooms" presented by Christian Schacht, Principal Lead Product Manager. As employees come back into the office, the need for improved hotdesking and ad hoc and huddle experiences increases. During this session, you can learn about how Teams is making it easier for employees to get back to the office and for IT admins to gain improved insights as to how employees are collaborating in hybrid environments and leveraging office assets including desks, equipment, and rooms. Watch below:   Microsoft Teams | The smart place to work Transform the way you work with next-generation AI capabilities and bring together your physical and digital worlds. The new Teams experience is reimagined from the ground up making it faster, simpler, and smarter. We have a unique approach with Teams to bring together collaboration tools from across Microsoft, the industry, and custom applications into a unified experience across any device from phones to room systems inside and outside your organization.   New Teams now has full feature parity for almost all features including custom line-of-business apps, third-party apps, breakout rooms, 7x7 video, call queues, PSTN calling, contextual search in chats and channels, cross-post a channel conversation, and more. We have focused on providing high-quality performance and enhancing the basics in areas such as reliability, security, and IT management to make sure that new Teams meets the evolving requirements of your organization. Microsoft Teams | The smart place to work across meetings, chat, calling, collaboration, and automation to stay connected and move your business forward.Microsoft Teams | The smart place to work across meetings, chat, calling, collaboration, and automation to stay connected and move your business forward.   Our new app is built on a foundation of speed, performance, flexibility, and intelligence—delivering up to two times faster performance while using 50 percent less memory so you can save time and collaborate more efficiently. We have also streamlined the user experience so that it is simpler to use and easier to find everything in one place. These enhancements also provide the foundation for game-changing new AI-powered experiences, such as Copilot for Microsoft Teams.   Check out our new Teams adoption page for more resources and subscribe to the Teams blog. Follow us on Twitter: @MicrosoftTeams and let us know your feedback and feature requests.    
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